Tag Archives: responsibility

Who’s Responsible? The Myth of Maintenance Free Living

The Myth of Maintenance Free Living

Buy a condo, you’ll never have to worry about anything again”, they said……and so a myth was born.

While it is true that you may not have to mow the lawn or paint the siding, maintenance responsibilities still remain with you when you purchase a condominium.  Interior plumbing, appliance repair, smoke detector batteries and in unit extermination are just a few items which may still be the responsibility of the unit owner.

This is why it is so important to read your governing documents (Master Deed, Declaration of Trust, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations).  Contained within these documents you will find a description of Common Elements (those elements for which the maintenance responsibility is that of the Association) and a description of the Units.  The Unit description outlines the items that the Owner is responsible for maintaining which can often include items such as doors, windows and screens.

A well informed Unit Owner will know when to call their own plumber and when to report a common element leak – saving precious time in the event of a water loss and damage.

Please take the time to thoroughly review your Association’s Governing Documents and don’t hesitate to ask your Property Manager if you have questions.